29.10.2016 20:52

250 g cooked emmer (you can substitute with other cereal grains) a handful of soaked blanched almonds 30 g maple syrup 1 small banana 1 tablespoon coconut milk powder (you can use a protein powder) 1 tablespoon of ground flax + hot water pinch of salt a few drops of vanilla extract Pour the flax with hot water, stir and let stand for 10 minutes. 250 g cooked emmer (you can substitute with other cereal grains) a handful of soaked blanched almonds 30 g maple syrup 1 small banana 1 tablespoon coconut milk powder (you can use a protein powder) 1 tablespoon of ground flax + hot water pinch of salt a few drops of vanilla extract Pour the flax with hot water, stir and let stand for 10 minutes. 05 sierpnia *** MIGDAŁOWY KREM Z PŁASKURKI /PRZEPIS WŁASNY/ ok. 250 g ugotowanej pszenicy płaskurki (można zastąpić innymi ziarnami zbóż) garstka namoczonych (przez całą noc) blanszowanych migdałów 30 g syropu klonowego mały banan łyżka mleka kokosowego w proszku (można użyć odżywki białkowej o dowolnym smaku) łyżka lnu mielonego + gorąca woda szczypta soli kilka kropel ekstraktu waniliowego ew. mleko do rozrzedzenia masy If there are any difficulties during mixing, add some milk to get desired consistency. Transfer to a bowl, garnish and serve immediately or after cooling. *** ENGLISH VERSION: *** ALMOND FARRO (EMMER) PUDDING / OWN RECIPE / approx. If there are any difficulties during mixing, add some milk to get desired consistency. Transfer to a bowl, garnish and serve immediately or after cooling. Enjoy!

➡️ Po więcej informacji i kontakt z autorem zapraszamy pod adres: http://poraneknaslodko.blogspot.com/2016/08/krem-z-farro-i-migdaow.html
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