Karobowe crumble z brzoskwiniami

17.07.2018 12:18
Karobowe crumble z brzoskwiniami

Enjoy INGREDIENTS (18x26cm baking pan, 6 portions): - 3-4 peaches - 1 C oat flour - 1 C porridge oats - 1/2 C carob powder - 5 tbsp coconut oil - 1/3 C carob molasses - pinch of salt PREPARATION: Peel the peaches, dry them, remove the seeds and cut into eight parts. Polecam SKŁADNIKI (forma 18x26cm, 6 porcji): - 3-4 brzoskwinie - 1 szklanka mąki owsianej - 1 szklanka płatków owsianych - 1/2 szklanki karobu w proszku - 5 łyżek oleju kokosowego - 1/3 szklanki melasy z karobu - szczypta soli PRZYGOTOWANIE: Brzoskwinie myjemy, osuszamy, usuwamy pestki i kroimy na ósemki. Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix. Then add oil and molasses and knead the mixture with your hand. Heat the oven to 175 C. In the form, arrange chopped peaches and sprinkle them with crumble. Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl and mix. Then add oil and molasses and knead the mixture with your hand. Heat the oven to 175 C. In the form, arrange chopped peaches and sprinkle them with crumble. Crumble z rabarbarem z dodatkiem migdałów oraz kasztanowe crumble z jabłkami. ☺ I recently published a recipe for a delicious and simple dessert with peaches, and these were baked peaches with homemade marzipan. ☺ I recently published a recipe for a delicious and simple dessert with peaches, and these were baked peaches with homemade marzipan. Enjoy INGREDIENTS (18x26cm baking pan, 6 portions): PREPARATION: Peel the peaches, dry them, remove the seeds and cut into eight parts. Niedawno publikowałam przepis na pyszny i prosty deser z brzoskwiniami, a były to pieczone brzoskwinie z domowym marcepanem. This time I baked those lovely fruits under oat crumble with the addition of carob. Todays version with peaches is extremely juicy, and the addition of carob makes it sweet, aromatic and interesting. This time I baked those lovely fruits under oat crumble with the addition of carob. Todays version with peaches is extremely juicy, and the addition of carob makes it sweet, aromatic and interesting. Rhubarb crumble with the addition of almonds and chestnut crumble with apples. Rhubarb crumble with the addition of almonds and chestnut crumble with apples. CAROB CRUMBLE WITH PEACHES Wszystkie te wersje są pyszne i idealne na ciepłe dni, kiedy nie chce nam się piec ciasta, a nachodzi ochota na coś słodkiego. Deser ten nazywa się crumble i jest idealny na lato.

➡️ Po więcej informacji i kontakt z autorem zapraszamy pod adres: http://foodpornveganstyle.blogspot.com/2018/07/karobowe-crumble-z-brzoskwiniami.html
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