Pieczone bataty z szałwią i tymiankiem

27.04.2018 12:42
Pieczone bataty z szałwią i tymiankiem

Enjoy INGREDIENTS (2-4 servings): - 1 kg sweet potatoes (3 large pieces) - 2 tsp dried sage - 2 tsp dried thyme - 2 tbsp vegetable oil, for coating - salt, for serving PREPARATION: Scrub the sweet potatoes under running water and dry. Set the oven to 220 ° C. Cut each of the sweet potatoes along for 4 thick pieces and coat them in oil with the spices. This version of sweet potatoes is a great option as a snack at home, an addition to lunch or picnic in the open air, and therefore the picnic season is approaching, I strongly encourage you to try them in this version if you have not yet had the opportunity to taste it. The spices I use in this recipe come from the Bakra company and I strongly recommend them, they are of the highest quality and provide this unusual aroma. You can buy them in larger markets or online at the company store (here). This version of sweet potatoes is a great option as a snack at home, an addition to lunch or picnic in the open air, and therefore the picnic season is approaching, I strongly encourage you to try them in this version if you have not yet had the opportunity to taste it. The spices I use in this recipe come from the Bakra company and I strongly recommend them, they are of the highest quality and provide this unusual aroma. You can buy them in larger markets or online at the company store (here). Enjoy INGREDIENTS (2-4 servings): PREPARATION: Scrub the sweet potatoes under running water and dry. Set the oven to 220 ° C. Cut each of the sweet potatoes along for 4 thick pieces and coat them in oil with the spices. Smacznego SKŁADNIKI (2-4 porcje): - 1 kg batatów (3 duże sztuki) - 2 łyżeczki suszonej szałwii - 2 łyżeczki suszonego tymianku - 2 łyżki oleju roślinnego, do obtoczenia - sól, do podania PRZYGOTOWANIE: Bataty szorujemy pod bieżącą wodą i obsuszamy. Taka wersja słodkich ziemniaków to świetna opcja na przekąskę w domu, dodatek do obiadu lub pikniku na świeżym powietrzu, a że zbliża się majówka, to gorąco Was zachęcam do wypróbowania ich w takiej wersji, jeśli jeszcze nie mieliście okazji jej kosztować. ROASTED SWEET POTATOES WITH SAGE AND THYME Eteryczna szałwia i odświeżający tymianek to świetne dodatki do pieczonych batatów. Ethereal sage and refreshing thyme are great additions to roasted sweet potatoes. Enjoy! Ethereal sage and refreshing thyme are great additions to roasted sweet potatoes. Thyme and sage have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, strengthening and antiviral effect, moreover, they also perfectly affect the condition of our skin. Thyme and sage have a beneficial effect on the digestive system, strengthening and antiviral effect, moreover, they also perfectly affect the condition of our skin. Każdy z batatów kroimy wzdłuż na 4 grube kawałki i obtaczamy w oleju z przyprawami. Sweet potatoes in this form are very aromatic, citrus-herbal and simply delicious. Sweet potatoes in this form are very aromatic, citrus-herbal and simply delicious.

➡️ Po więcej informacji i kontakt z autorem zapraszamy pod adres: http://foodpornveganstyle.blogspot.com/2018/04/pieczone-bataty-z-szawia-i-tymiankiem.html
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